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Google Drive Sync


Google Drive Sync allows for exporting Papeeria project to Google Drive and importing a folder from Google Drive into Papeeria project.

Premium feature

Google Drive Sync is available to paid plan users.

Connecting to Google Drive

You need to authenticate in Google and authorize Papeeria to read and write data from your Google Drive. You can do it on the settings page in your Papeeria dashboard. If you are already signed in with Google, you still may be shown a screen which will request your consent to grant Papeeria priveleges to interact with your Google Drive.

Papeeria will create a folder named "Papeeria" in your Google Drive and will only have access to files in that folder. Other files in your Google Drive will not be visible to Papeeria.

Importing and exporting

Project import and export functions work the same way for both Dropbox and Google Drive. Please refer to Cloud Storage Sync page.